MediPuzzle – A Game-based Learning App for Medical Profession
Medical students and practitioners assemble! Tired of tedious and monotonous reading hours in hopes of flourishing as a doctor? Well then, you should certainly check out a new online learning platform for medical education. MediPuzzle comes at you with an innovative mobile app to embellish your learning hours with engaging educational games. The app, available on android and IOS, aspires to offer its users an amalgamation of a quality learning experience and enjoyable gaming time. The app has garnered over 1000 downloads and has users from around 40 countries.
The team at MediPuzzle aspires to establish the app as a groundbreaking tool in medical education. With an entrepreneur in the founding team who has over ten years of teaching experience in the medical education sphere, the app aims to revolutionize the way students perceive the learning process. While many Nepalese education institutions focus on optimizing the teaching experience, MediPuzzle fosters the students’ learning. With such a neoteric vision in mind, the creators aim to develop an international standard e-learning app in medicine that gains recognition on a global scale.
What is in it?
The app, in its initial phase of operations, currently comes with three games:
The most nostalgic out of the three games, Hangman is familiar to all. The rules of the game are as basic as it gets. You get three lives, five skips, and seven hints, which you get back for guessing the word correctly without making any mistakes.
Quick Recall
This game is very similar to Multiple Choice Questions. Quick recall shows around 20 potential options for a question from which players can choose single or multiple answers. It is a timed game, and users are availed with five hints to help them answer the questions.
Rapid Fire
The name says it all – Rapid Fire comes at you with a barrage of questions that must be answered quickly or skipped. The game has a timer of 2 minutes where players need to correctly answer as many questions as possible to attain the highest score. It comes with five skips which are redeemed when players answer correctly.